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We proactively design all our projects to include 3 main elements:

Creativity, Intercultural Collaboration, and Social Impact. 


Our goal is to enable people to explore their talents, develop skills, and discover new cultures,

all while having fun while doing something good.


On October 29, 2022, the monsters of Philippine mythology, colloquially known as Halimaw, came to the city of Berlin. With over 130 attendees at the Revier Südost Baergarten, we brought together original artworks, live electric music, and the chance to shine a positive light.


This project was done in partnership with

One Million Lights Philippines.

During the coronavirus lockdown, people across the world yearned

for one thing: the ability to see their friends and enjoy a simple party.

On this evening, we had 2 DJs livestream their music directly

into people's living rooms. A live chat enabled people to engage

and enjoy the party from different countries.


This project was done in partnership with

For Our Farmers.


May 2020 was when the first SendToGive website was launched. It enabled people to send a physical postcard through a digital portal, enabling loved ones to stay connected despite coronavirus quarantine regulations.


Postcards were sent to 24 different countries, all carrying with them messages of warmth, support, humour, and love. Through the money raised, disaster-relief food packs were provided to homeless people and farmers in the Philippines. 


It was through this project that SendToGive was born. 

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